Eureka Community Hall

The Eureka community hall is available for hire. It features a kitchen, stage, meeting room and toilets. Chairs and tables are also available. This hall is useful for events including celebrations, wedding receptions, balls, community meetings, clubs, book fairs, fundraising events, fitness classes, sales meetings etc.
1298 State Highway 26 (cnr of SH26 & Hunter Road), Eureka.
Approximately 180 people for meetings and 120 for functions.
Floor area
For rates, bookings and more information, please contact:
Gayle Orr - Ph. 027 2917150
25th April 2019 - ANZAC Day
Our Anzac Day service, which was organised by Lionel Orr, was a success. About 37 people attended including our police protection officer. The council provided a lovely wreath and of course we had our knitted poppies. Many of you may have also noticed we had a flag.
The service was short, but it was lovely to remember our local men who sacrificed their lives. After the service we all went into the hall and had a cuppa and a homemade Anzac biscuit, made by the lovely ladies of the committees. Thank you for your contribution.
5th May 2019 - Our Eureka Hall turned 50! (1969 - 2019)
The celebration of 50 years of the building of the hall was a great day. Approx. 100 people attended, some past residents and quite a few of our new residents. It was lovely to meet everyone, and it was a great opportunity to catch up with friends from far and wide. One of our invited guests was Mr Tom Muir and his lovely wife Shirley. Tom (now aged 95) was the person who built the hall 50 years ago. He said that the floors are matai wood and he had to push the point to get the committee to put them in, but they have certainly stood the test of time and were a great investment. They still look great.
The official part of the afternoon was to cut the cake - Tom Muir and Barry Mayall had this honour. Barry is the only surviving member of the original hall committee who were responsible for the build. The cake was delicious, a big thank you to Lin Buckley for making it and to Gail Mayall for decorating it.